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Oct 29, 2009
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Riverview, New Brunswick, Canada.
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Found this on facebook. I LOLed. :) Thought I'd share.

I still can't see very well... So I posted in this forum. Couldn't see well enough to find a better place for it. Hope that doesn't offend anyone.

I saw this on facebook a couple days ago. Definitely :lol: worthy! I used to use empty film canisters to sort small toys--after I shot the film myself, of course. ;)
I miss the darn things.. used to come in really handy for small computer parts, and screws.. and such!
yea... they would! Never thought of that... :)
The white ones make a nice diffuser on pop-up flashes.

Oooh nice idea Ron. I never thought of that. I use my pop-up flash fairly often since I don't have a decent speedlight. Well, I have an old one from my 35mm days.... But I can't really control the output on it. It's all or nothing. :(

Thanks for the idea.

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