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Northern Flicker

My either but I think its feeding on worms or bugs after the rain. A lot of other birds have been feeding off the ground as well but I cant see what there feeding on.
Very nice. I ran across one here a few months ago. First one I had ever seen. That "Tattoo" on the back of the head is a giveaway on that one ;)
Thanks Scott. This is only my second time seeing a Northern Flicker. They seem to come out of the blue only once in a while.
Lucky you to be able to get so close on such a flighty bird.

Never actually seen one on the ground before.

They're mainly ground feeders. Ants and beetles in particular.
Lucky you to be able to get so close on such a flighty bird.

Never actually seen one on the ground before.

They're mainly ground feeders. Ants and beetles in particular.
Huh... did not know that... I have several around my place and this:

is the way I always see them.
Mine was on the ground to:


My understanding is that they are kind of a ground-based woodpecker.
I can't seem to catch one in a tree. When they scatter in my backyard, they really fly outta sight.
I got lucky with the above shot.I was sitting on my front porch when he swooped down landed and I put the camera up and shot and he flew off right after the shutter slapped. My eye was still against the view finder when he flew away. I didn't even see which way he flew off.

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