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No feeder is safe now!


A naughty little bunny...
Nov 28, 2011
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Mmmmhm, we get back from seeing the awesome majesty of the Bruce Peninsula to find that this goober has figured out the final remaining "safe" feeder. Looks like it's time to change things up !

Seems quite solidly in place casually looking around lol Just couldn't do it for long.
That raccoon should leave dancing to the pole cats! Snarf!
Pole-dancing raccoon!!!
Lol! Our critters are special ;)
They are tenacious for getting to the food source, but must think their mask make them ninja-like invisible and can't get caught in the act. Clicky
lmao! That clicky is why I don't mind them being around, they always make me smile :) lol!
Barb Wire is risky to serious injury including the birds.Now we don't want to injure our fury friends or do we.:raisedbrow: There is always a paintball gun and you could tag them with pretty colors like a rainbow.:lol:
Mechanical grease - possible harmful chemicals if ingested?
Tobasco sauce - better used on chicken wings
Barbed wire - :shock:

Vaseline or Lard, then only thing about using animal fat is attracting insects.
Mechanical grease - possible harmful chemicals if ingested?
Tobasco sauce - better used on chicken wings
Barbed wire - :shock:

Vaseline or Lard, then only thing about using animal fat is attracting insects.

Or the raccoons thinking it is tasty. ;)
Now we don't want to injure our fury friends or do we.:raisedbrow:

I love it when I typo works so well. Don't want to injure or upset the fury friends is right!

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