Things to keep in mind about the F-mount. Although it will mount pretty much any Nikon lens from the past 50 years, some older ones will not work with it.
There's no screw drive for the 1st generation of autofocus lenses (AF and AF-D,) so while those will mount, they won't focus automatically; the 5600 requires lenses with built-in focus motors, which will be AF-S or newer. Also, the latest AF-P series may require a firmware update in the camera.
There's no AI ring on the lens mount, so pre-AF (non-CPU) lenses will not meter, as the camera can't detect the aperture setting.
None of that matters unless, like me, you have a collection of lenses from "back in the day." Current lenses with their own CPUs and focus motors work fine, with the firmware caveat for AF-P lenses.