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Nikon D5600 any good


TPF Noob!
Feb 8, 2025
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Bought a used D5600 with a low shutter count, now i need a general lens for bit of landscape and macro. it did come with the standard 18-55 could anyone recommend a lens for a beginner with this camera, thanks
Nikon cameras generally are very good cameras, with the lens you have practice until you get the results you like. Depending on what you like to shoot most will be able to choose which lens to go for, Good luck ...
AF-s Micro-Nikkor 40/2.8G or 35/1.8G for a bit less.
Its a great little camera, lightweight and easy to use and because it uses the old F-Mount you should be able to pick up some nice DX lenses for cheap (ish).

I would recommend the 35, 50, 40 and the Sigma 105 Macro Lens. If you want to broaden your selection you may have to purchase some full frame lenses which will cost more.
No the D5600 is a terrible camera. Just send it to me and I’ll dispose of it for you.😁

I am on the lookout for a D5600 for a bargain to add to my collection. I have a D90 paired with the 35mm/1.8G right now.

The Sigma 18-50mm f/2.8 is another good option also. I have one for my Canon T7i and am on the lookout for one of these for Nikon also.
Does what's needed, one might have to take more shots to get a keeper because things are a little slow on a $1000 camera.
Things to keep in mind about the F-mount. Although it will mount pretty much any Nikon lens from the past 50 years, some older ones will not work with it.

There's no screw drive for the 1st generation of autofocus lenses (AF and AF-D,) so while those will mount, they won't focus automatically; the 5600 requires lenses with built-in focus motors, which will be AF-S or newer. Also, the latest AF-P series may require a firmware update in the camera.

There's no AI ring on the lens mount, so pre-AF (non-CPU) lenses will not meter, as the camera can't detect the aperture setting.

None of that matters unless, like me, you have a collection of lenses from "back in the day." Current lenses with their own CPUs and focus motors work fine, with the firmware caveat for AF-P lenses.
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I have one, love it, you'll be amazed the landscapes you get with the kit AF-P DX 18-55mm VR.....Use it up!

Check out my IG account (24megapixseal) if you do Instagram.....

You can do LOTS of great photography with this camera...have fun!
Many Thanks, great set of photos hope I can shoot as good, I've also bought the AF-P 70-300 lens so I'm really looking forward to having a day out shooting
Af-S 18-140 and some closeup lens attachments will get you started. If you go heavy into macro, consider a dedicated macro lens like the Af-S 90 DX. The 18-140 will satisfy most of your needs.
Trailing edge DSLR/MILC bodies are so cheap that it's borderline silly not to use and enjoy them. Glass is another matter but arguably the cost of these older cameras amounts to dirt cheap tuition for learning the ropes. Pix posted above argue convincingly for this. Shoot 'em till they break!

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