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Nikon D40 vs. Cannon Rebel xt


TPF Noob!
Dec 6, 2007
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Hello every, i go by fiori and this is my first post. I have been into photography for not too long, maybe a year at most. But forget the introduction, we can do that another time :)

For now, i would like to know which camera would be the better buy? I like to do close-ups, but i would also want to human portraits ect..

I would like to stay under about $600, so if you would like to suggest a different camera for around that price please, feel free :). As of now i am leaning towards the nikon, just because i am familiar with nikon, and i know they produce good, quality cameras.

ok here are the Cameras:

Canon EOS 350D / Digital Rebel XT


Nikon D40

if it weren't for the d40, I'd say Nikon for you since you like them...but I have to say Canon. The d40 lacks an AF motor, and this means that you are limited by Nikon lenses you can use.
If it wasnt for the money difference i would get the nikon d80 by far. But i just cant do that. Thank you for your input :)
sideburns didnt bring it up.. but there are ALOT of threads just like this one. for under 600 your not going to be able to get the rebel XTI unless you just get the body and then find a lens for like 30$. dont know the price of the d40. but since your limited by the lens then you'd be best going with canon.
IMHO you should be debating D80 vs. XTi for just a bit more money on both.
sideburns didnt bring it up.. but there are ALOT of threads just like this one. for under 600 your not going to be able to get the rebel XTI unless you just get the body and then find a lens for like 30$. dont know the price of the d40. but since your limited by the lens then you'd be best going with canon.

that's why he said XT.
Yea i would like to look at the xt not the xti, because the xti costs too much
sorry didnt notice that. wow, didnt notice how cheap the XT was.
Yea i would like to look at the xt not the xti, because the xti costs too much

sorry didnt notice that. wow, didnt notice how cheap the XT was.

yeah the XT has become incredibly cheap. I'd totally recommend that. In fact, if I had the money for both the XT or the XTi, I'd definitely go with the XT. Not that the XTi is a bad camera, but it has features I would consider relatively useless, and I'd rather spend the extra money on glass.

The XT will serve you very well. I blew up multiple 20x30's and they looked great. It's a great starter camera. In fact, I'm considering buying it again to have as a backup camera next to my 40d.
Thank you everyone for your input. I am leaning towards the xt now, the only problem is that it uses cf memory instead of sd.
Thank you everyone for your input. I am leaning towards the xt now, the only problem is that it uses cf memory instead of sd.

I always considered that a good thing..
Really? Well i'm used to sd, and i have been told that sd was "taking off" and that it would be a better choice.
Really? Well i'm used to sd, and i have been told that sd was "taking off" and that it would be a better choice.

sd isn't really taking off. maybe in low level consumer electronics...(though it's been selling like crazy for 4-5 years anyways...not really taking off).

CF in my opinion is better...so it's no drawback at all.

I'm sure you'd be more than happy with the XT, especially now that it's so cheap. I paid a few hundred more, and I'm still happy with it. (though a little jealous of the brother's 40D.)
I would look for a D50 as opposed to the D40. Between the XT and D50, I would go D50. I am a little bit of a Nikon snob though.
Well that's the thing. Iv'e used nikons up untill now, its just the price range. I was looking to put it on my xmas list. I'm only 16 so the extra couple hundred dollars would put the parents over the edge :P. I have a compact camera that i think iv'e done pretty well, considering.


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