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Night scenes


TPF Noob!
May 7, 2007
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San Francisco Bay Area
Can others edit my Photos
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I went out last night to practice my night photography. Here are 3 images from my walk around the neighborhood at about 9pm. I made the mistake of shooting these as jpg's instead of RAW. I really need to pay more attention to details. I did my best at color adjustment using PS CS2. Pentax K100D with kit 18-55mm.



lol whats with the yield sign?

Would have liked to have seen some close up shots of the succulants (SP?) in that light.
why didn't you take a picture of the whole city if you were on top of a hill overseeing everything?
why didn't you take a picture of the whole city if you were on top of a hill overseeing everything?

I was kinda wondering the same. Would like to have seen #1 from higher up to get a better angle on the city and less sky.
why didn't you take a picture of the whole city if you were on top of a hill overseeing everything?

You ask for it. You get it. I had the shot but did not post it. This shot looks a little more north compared to the shot in my first post.

That's the San Mateo Bridge crossing San Francisco Bay.

oddly enough (we're never happy around here) I was hoping for a mix of the 2 shots... the angle (or closer to the angle) of the second with the park bench and foreground lighting of the first.

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