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"Nifty-Fifty" Nikon 50mm f/1.8 AF-D for SALE

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TPF Noob!
Dec 25, 2011
Reaction score
Gainesville, FL
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Hey TPF,

Getting rid of my nifty-fifty to upgrade to the f/1.4, lens is in great condition and will include a UV filter. Does not come with original box, but comes with just the lens and lens hood.

$90 FIRM.

Nothing Less.

Will be adding pictures soon.
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Thats pretty steep considering you can buy it new for 20 more bucks :) GL!
If someone is looking for a new one, this is not the thread, nor lens for them bro.

Don't bother with the pictures if you're firm with that price. :lol:

I'm interested in the lens. Depending on price.
Woaaah there tiger, I thought you were firm at 110 and I must be new here for thinking that was crazy pricing. Now you're at 90? Mayhaps you don't understand the definition of FIRM and are more thinking OBO.
Hey Bossy,

Maybe you should troll elsewhere. If I want to change the price to $50...Ill do it. If I want to change it back to $110...ill do it.

If I don't want to sell it all...I wont.

At the end of the day. Your amazing lurk ability does nothing for me:


Warm regards,
Says the guy with 6,000 post on a photo forum. Your definitely legendary. My question is:

G] [/IMG]
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