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TPF Noob!
Mar 12, 2006
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I understand the procedure for editing and saving from an NEF (RAW) file is to: edit, then save to TIFF (16 bit), then save to JPG (8 bit) for transmission or anything else.
Saving in TIFF looses less information than JPG?? The RAW file remains the same as in a film negative.
The uploads to the PF Gallery accepts either TIFF or JPG, correct?

Saving in TIFF does not loose an information. Saving as JPEG always looses information...although you can set the level of compression.
yea i always store and print pictures from tiff files..... you wont loose any quality or information. I personally only use jpeg for the web...... and in some print design jobs where the image is small, but you do loose information in the compression process and when you re-save it ;)

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