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Newbie - Whated to share my first pics


TPF Noob!
May 4, 2006
Reaction score
Silver Spring, MD
I recently picked up my first "serious" camera...my Sony DSC-R1. I have only been a point and shooter prior to getting this camera so I am very much a rookie, but I am enjoying playing with this camera.

I would appreciate any critizism on my shots. Please...be brutal if you have to. I want to learn to take better shots.

Here is a couple of my first pics.



One note: these are two nature pics, but I have not found what I am most confortable with. I want to still experiment with mechanical and street photography. Thanks guys!
P.S. I forgot to mention...The first pic I used a circle polarizer. I lost the EXIT data, but I will post that data in the future if that helps.
The second one is really gorgeous. I love those purple flowers, and your DOF on that one is great. The turtles are really cute too, but something seems a bit "off" to my eyes and I cant figure out what it is right now. Maybe someone else has ideas?

BTW, Welcome to TPF!
Cool shots. Welcome to the forum.
The second shot is amazing.
Oh who won the turtle race. ?
Yeah...the first one is lacking some contrast in my opinion. All the colors were too similar for my taste...green water, green turtles, green dry grass... Maybe some PP can help the pic out. I just thought those guys were cute.

And no one won...they were all sitting there for a couple hours. They were basking in the sun. Kids were petting them and they didn't move.

Thanks for the compliments guys :D
Welcome to TPF, I am a little surprised that you used a circle polarizer with shot #1. They tend to darken colors. IMO Look as if you did do have it adjusted right.
Jeff Canes said:
Welcome to TPF, I am a little surprised that you used a circle polarizer with shot #1. They tend to darken colors. IMO Look as if you did do have it adjusted right.

I had to use the PL unfortunately. It was mid-day and very, very bright out. The light was glaring off the water.

I'll play with it in PS to see what I can do with it.

Hey guys...I played with the image in PS...It is late, so it is shoddy work, but it seems a bit more pleasing to the eyes..


Adjusted (turles and water adjusted separately)

And a little Dry Brush and light to give it a bit of cool....

...maybe I need some sleep.

I like your pictures. I think the problem with the turtle shot is that it lacks "focus", as in there is no one spot that draws the eye. Other than that its good composition and lighting. Keep posting!

Thanks Peter... Technically, the turtle isn't the best pic... It is more the art you find in a rental beach house vs a gallery, but it is cool none the less :D

The four heads are very interesting in pic1, are they protracting their heads several hours just waiting for your shooting?
The second one is perfect and i love it too.

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