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Newbie VA berries & butterflies pics


TPF Noob!
Mar 23, 2008
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I got a camera for Christmas and enjoy going out and searching for good pictures. It's a cheap Polaroid t737, nothing like the nice Canons or Nikons I've been reading about on these forums. The butterflies were so fun and difficult to get. They are really tiny. I would appreciate any advice! If you think they suck, it'd be great to hear they suck. If they have potential that'd be better. Are they boring? just kinda nice?
Welcome to the forum!

They definitely have potential...

Some of the whites are blown out, I'm not sure what kind of settings you have on your camera, but if you have basic ones, then you should be able to fix it...

You've also got some DOF happening! (1!!)
I like them, but as Harmony mentioned your highlights are blown a bit.

For #2 you have some flare from shooting into the sun. Try shading the lense from the sun with your hand to get rid of the flare.

A bit of practice and some post processing to boost the saturation and you will be off to the races.

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