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Aug 19, 2013
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Dallas Texas
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I am fairly new to all of this. Just got the following equipment...

Nikon D40 (can only buy used at this time)
AF-S NIKKOR 35mm f/1.8G
Nikon HB-46 Bayonet Lens Hood
AF-S NIKKOR 24-85mm f/3.5-4.5G ED VR
AF-S DX VR Zoom-Nikkor 55-200mm f/4-5.6G IF-ED
Nikon HB-37 Bayonet Lens Hood
Boggen 3033 Pro Tripod

I have heard the D40 is a good camera. Can you upgrade the CMOS to a higher Megapixel or is 6.5 plenty for the average guy?

thanks for any info.

Welcome to the site.

To upgrade to a higher mp, you will have to get a new(er) camera.
If you do not crop a lot or do not need to have large prints (such as poster size and view them in close distance), 6mp is fine. ;)
D40 is a good camera, 6.5 is enough for many things. Do you print your photos? You can use stitching in some cases to get more megapixels if you need super large print.
I have a D40 and a D90. I love my D40--it's an excellent entry level DSLR, super fun to use and a great way to learn photography without breaking the bank. It creates great images. Just learn how to use it. Shoot and post to this forum and you'll get amazing feedback.

I shot this photo in Maui with my D40...

[/URL] DSC_0494 by jwbryson1, on Flickr[/IMG]
I personally would upgrade to a new modern camera as what you have is an old camera which has a limited capabilities in night shots but if you have no cash I guess that will do.
I have heard the D40 is a good camera. Can you upgrade the CMOS to a higher Megapixel or is 6.5 plenty for the average guy?

thanks for any info.

6.5 MP is more than enough for the average photographer.
My first professional grade DSLR (D1X) only had 5.2 MP.

The D40 uses a CCD image sensor, not CMOS.
A lot of other electronics in the camera well beyond the image sensor would have to be changed to put a CMOS image sensor in a D40 body.
From your list of equipment you have I would say you have what you need to take some really good photos. You have more than a lot of people starting out. I have a D50 and still use it regularly, Although the D40 is an older entry level DSLR's there is nothing wrong with it and it is capable of taking very good photos particularly if your interest is viewing on a monitor or sending to fiends or family online. I suggest you use the D40 to learn the controls and what they do. Anything you learn on the D40 will be knowledge transferred to whatever you move to later on. Have fun and enjoy the hobby. Megapixels and features dont make a photo, you do. The camera is just a tool to your own creativity. So have fun and start clicking away
Thanks everyone. Any body know of a good source website for the basics of taking great photos?

Thanks again

D40 is a fine camera to learn on and it can take great photos.
In fact, back in the days, I sold many landscapes that I took with a D40.
You have a great lens with the 35mm F1.8G also.
Hey BroncoJeff, are you a Denver Broncos fan by chance? If you are, I'm with ya!!!
But on a real note... place your 35mm F1.8 on your D40. Set the command dial to "A", and dial down to F1.8.
Take some photos of your wife/girlfriend, pet, beer bottle, etc... focus on the subject and watch the magic that happens with the background.
Regarding the Denver Broncos...can't say that I am. Always use Ford Bronco (Full Sized) at my hunting places in Texas. Thanks for the Tip will try some this weekend.

See your a Ruger Fan. the LC9 is a great gun as well.

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