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Apr 13, 2008
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Hello! My name is Rich, and I am new to Photography and TPF. I am currently using a Canon Powershot S2 IS with a stock lens. I also use a tripod. To be honest, this camera is actually my dad's, but I use it more than him, so I like to call it mine.:)

The picture quality is not too great, so I have looked into getting the popular Nikon D40. I am currently looking at one on eBay that is being sold with another lens. 28-105mm I believe.

In all honesty, I don't know anything technical about camera's and photography, so if you all could explain things to me in layman's terms that would be great. :D

Finally, here are some very very novice pictures I have taken (Yes, I understand they are low quality and/or soft/fuzzy):


Sorry for them being links!
Welcome.. these guys are so helpful I would be pulling my hair out if it wasn't for the fast and excellent advice I have got here.
Your pictures are really quite interesting even if they are a bit fuzzy!

The D40 is a GREAT camera. You will find lots of information here about its pros and cons.
I have a Canon S2 IS too, which my wife uses (I try not to let her touch my XTi hehe). And yes sometimes you have to fight with it to get it to focus correctly sometimes, but when you do get the focus correct it can take some amazing shots. The color is really nice on that camera. The one thing that camera has a hard time with is low light settings (lots of blur).

Considering that camera has AV (aperature priority), TV (shutter priority), P (program mode), and M (full manual control) modes make it a great way to start out and learn how to use the controls like you would on a dslr.

Take it out of full auto and mess around...
Thanks for the replies guys (and gals?)! I never tried manual focusing, so I will have to toy around with it. And yes, the blur can be extremely bad. Not a good camera for sport's and such, eh?
Thanks for the replies guys (and gals?)! I never tried manual focusing, so I will have to toy around with it. And yes, the blur can be extremely bad. Not a good camera for sport's and such, eh?

It is if there is ample lighting. If its sports at night forget it (even with the big lights overhead). But you can set it to TV mode and increase the shutter speed a bit until you get rid of the blur. That camera just loves bright light.
Hah. Ironically, after I posted that I messed around with the camera, and got the settings so the shutter speed was fast enough to eliminate motion blur. I believe I made the focusing a little better as well.

Thanks for the help so far. :)
Welcome to the forums, I hope you find it as useful as I am. I am also a newbie here!!!

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