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New NPS Member


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Sep 24, 2011
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Just joined NPS, what are the benefits you have experienced? Anything I should be aware of?
Just joined NPS, what are the benefits you have experienced? Anything I should be aware of?

Wow thats fantastic news, I am sure you will enjoy your NPS..

BTW what the heck is NPS ?
10.5 fish
Wow thats fantastic news, I am sure you will enjoy your NPS..

BTW what the heck is NPS ?

Nikon Professional Services...

So that means that I cant join it because I have a consumer grade Nikon ?
What is the benefit of joining these services ?

Yep, evidently that's exactly what it means.
You must be a Full-Time Professional Photographer, you must have a NPS "Sponsor" (an existing NPS member who can vouch for you as a full-time photographer) AND you must have not just ONE Nikon Professional camera body, but TWO, along with at least three Nikkor or DX Nikkor lenses.

No idea what the benefits are, but it seems to be a FREE service offered only to those they feel they can verify are full-time professionals with Nikon pro equipment.
From what I have gathered is that you get priority repairs, discounts, free evaluations on equipment, freebie stuff etc...

CPS (Canon) will attend various sporting events/ entertainment events and show up to clean sensors for free and have equipment available to CPS members. You need x amount of points and it cost 125$ a year. Nikon is free from my understanding. I doubt I am the only NPS member on this forum Bueller? Ferris Bueller?
With that much money spent on equipment, you didn't get anything for free. (it's built in the CODB)
They wouldn't let me in because I don't know any NPS members. It doesn't seem to be tailored towards commercial photographers, so none of my friends have bothered. (Full-time professional with D3, D800E; 24 mm, 45 mm and 85 mm PC-E; 35/1.4; 50/1.2; 85/1.4; 17-35/2.8 and many, many more lenses - but none of that counts if you don't know the right people. Nothing new there.) With Leica you don't have to be in any little gang - they just fix my stuff for free.
They wouldn't let me in because I don't know any NPS members. It doesn't seem to be tailored towards commercial photographers, so none of my friends have bothered. (Full-time professional with D3, D800E; 24 mm, 45 mm and 85 mm PC-E; 35/1.4; 50/1.2; 85/1.4; 17-35/2.8 and many, many more lenses - but none of that counts if you don't know the right people. Nothing new there.) With Leica you don't have to be in any little gang - they just fix my stuff for free.

Knowing people is the way of the world. Networking is incredibly important.
They wouldn't let me in because I don't know any NPS members. It doesn't seem to be tailored towards commercial photographers, so none of my friends have bothered. (Full-time professional with D3, D800E; 24 mm, 45 mm and 85 mm PC-E; 35/1.4; 50/1.2; 85/1.4; 17-35/2.8 and many, many more lenses - but none of that counts if you don't know the right people. Nothing new there.) With Leica you don't have to be in any little gang - they just fix my stuff for free.

Knowing people is the way of the world. Networking is incredibly important.

Networking sounds like something you do if you don't have many friends. I know plenty of professional photographers - there are quite a few of them in our building, including Ralph Gibson - but they aren't the sort of people who would be in NPS.
Oh well I guess with my modest D7000 I will not be an NPS material, it also looks like I really dont need their services.
But I did learn a new thing today.
The main thing is discounts on repairs and priority service. Its a big network so I doubt that NPS members get discounts on equipment hey you never know.

Im sure when they send a welcoming packet they will send me the freebie stuff.

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