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New Member from Virginia.


TPF Noob!
May 23, 2015
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Virginia (USA)
Can others edit my Photos
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I have always had an interest in Photography but never had a lot of time to pursue it. I had an Olympus SLR in the early 80's and did a lot of film photography but life, kids and family pushed me into P&S cameras. in 2001 I started back up with an SLR Nikon D60 and in 2013 a DSLR (Canon 650D) but got discouraged due to my lack of having the "eye" for a good picture, they were ok but not great.
Now I have more time to learn and hopefully get better.

I have had so many interests from Racing Cars, Electronics, Music to Collecting and restoring Relic firearms.
I started taking pictures of the firearm collections as museum setups but no one really has much use for WWII firearm pictures.
Now I have a Grand Daughter who is into Club Volleyball, I want to better my photography skills, Sports photography is tough to get that great action shot.
Welcome. Where in Virginia are you? I'm in Fairfax County.

Okay, not to depress you but if you want to shoot good volleyball pictures in a HS gym, that provides some challenges. Lighting is crap, you're probably not close to the action but up in the stands. So it's more demanding on equipment--hard to get good action photos with a prosumer body and kit lens.

So, that depressing news aside, Cartier-Bresson said "your first 10,000 photos are your worst." This is a good site for getting advice and help. Get out there and start shooting. Learn as you go.

And welcome!
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Welcome. Where in Virginia are you? I'm in Fairfax County.

Okay, not to depress you but if you want to shoot good volleyball pictures in a HS gym, that provides some challenges. Lighting is crap, you're probably not close to the action but up in the stands. So it's more demanding on equipment--hard to get good action photos with a prosumer body and kit lens.

So, that depressing news aside, Cartier-Bresson said "your first 10,000 photos are your worst." This is a good site for getting advice and help. Get out there and start shooting. Learn as you go.

And welcome!
Her Volleyball is Club Travel (Pre-Collegic) the Venues are sometimes well lit and I am right down there next to the court.
you can see here from the Videos I take.

I am hoping to get some great advice here, thanks for the Welcome. As you can see from the Video, We are from Manassas, VA.
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Welcome aboard from across the river. I'll be in Manassas this weekend (Eavesdrop Brewery) for a Saint Patricks and Alpaca + baby goat thing.
Hi welcome from this side of the pond.
go shoot the sport use raw if you can, tell whoever that that you are trying ideas at this time. So when you get the setting right and the images are what you want then You will know what you need under different conditions
Glad your experience is that the venues have good lighting. An organization you might want to check out is the Manassas-Warrenton Camera Club. I'm not a member (a bit far out for me) but interact with a bunch of their officers. One of the fastest ways to improve your photography is to get regular critiques. And TPF can do that. So can a good camera club (like MWCC).

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