New Kitteh


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Jun 7, 2012
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A friend of ours breeds Bengal cats and the wife decided she likes them. So....of course I had to buy one. Artemis is 9 weeks old.


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Loveeeee!!! Please post daily updates on the cuteness.
What a stunning little kitten!!! I'm in love! :lovestruck:

As an aside, we're coming up to a year since the hubby found two little kittens abandoned at the dump. It was before Halloween. Brought them home and we nursed them to health, then gave them to our retired veterinarian. I still think about those little girls.
Beautiful markings and adorable. I wonder if their demeanor is different to domestic cats? I have seen one before, it was not very friendly and rather aggressive. Some domestic cats can be that way so I have no idea. Anyway, congrats on the gorgeous purchase.
Beautiful markings and adorable. I wonder if their demeanor is different to domestic cats? I have seen one before, it was not very friendly and rather aggressive. Some domestic cats can be that way so I have no idea. Anyway, congrats on the gorgeous purchase.
Artemis is taking a little longer to acclimate to her new home than other pets we have had in the past, and she doesn't like anyone coming up to her, but when she goes to someone on her own for pets and scratches she will purr and head-butt them. not getting any aggressive behavior, but I have been told that Bengals DO have a different personality type than regular "housecats". apparently, they are listed as "exotic pets" and not even legal to own as pets in some states. crazy.
Very very pretty kitty with stunning markings!

My understanding of Bengals is that they are a touch more wild than your average housecat. Which would fit with a cat that's perhaps a touch more cautious on your approach to them, but at the same time domestic enough to want to seek out the attention and affection from you.
I've heard that they are generally "smarter" than regular cats; or if not smarter then more wilful and prone to "get into trouble" more so because they will push the boundaries of what they can get away with. Plus needing more entertainment/interaction to burn off their energy and such.

I foresee many games being played and more!

Oh also you might consider putting some shelving up around the house for the cat. Somewhere to perch up and watch the world go by below them. Might help the settling in process if the cat feels there's a place of their own up high and safe and such.
What a stunning little kitten!!! I'm in love! :lovestruck:

As an aside, we're coming up to a year since the hubby found two little kittens abandoned at the dump. It was before Halloween. Brought them home and we nursed them to health, then gave them to our retired veterinarian. I still think about those little girls.

Rose and Sage, right? They were so sweet!

One thing I've heard about Bengals is that they have a LOT of energy, and just like some dog breeds that are kind of hyper active, they will behave less agressively as long as they have an outlet for that energy. Maybe it would be good while she's still a kitten to harness train her and then you can take her outside for walks and play time to help spend that energy.
Rose and Sage, right? They were so sweet!

One thing I've heard about Bengals is that they have a LOT of energy, and just like some dog breeds that are kind of hyper active, they will behave less agressively as long as they have an outlet for that energy. Maybe it would be good while she's still a kitten to harness train her and then you can take her outside for walks and play time to help spend that energy.
Having lived in the countryside with cats that could freely come and go indoors and out I often forget about walking cats! It's very much an important thing if they are going to be a house cat and from what I recall Bengals are a bit like a husky in that if you let them out they WILL roam far and wide and might well just "I'm a cat I'm off see you maybe" kind of attitude. I do seem to recall seeing some videos of them where owners built outdoor enclosures for them so that the cat could get outside without having to be on a harness, but also not just escape to the wilds.

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