my 2 cents.... I believe I brought this up several years ago when I was confused if photos should be allowed in the Beginners section. I agree with Gryph but I don't think yet-another-sub-forum would help. I think we have too many already with no obvious boundaries for new members.
Foundations of Photography (Discussion only):
* Photographic Discussions (as is.. non-technical)
* Photographic Equipment & Products: News Reviews (as is)
* Technical Photography & techniques (technical)
It should be that simple.
No C&C or gallery postings in the "Foundations of Photography". No more members pondering if their question goes in beginner or beyond basics. No more members trying to figure out if they should request opinions on their photo in the beginner's or in the appropriate "galleries" sub-forum. Foundations should be for discussions only unless a photo is used to spark a discussion or further the discussion. All C&C and photo posting should be put in the appropriate subforum under "Photo Galleries".
The point is.. the organization should be clear cut.
This is basically modeling that portion of the TPF after the Business District forum that has forums dedicated to discussions of nontechnical and technical with a completely separate area for professional galleries.
What you are describing is a reincarnation of the TPF forums, from some years back.

At one time, the forum layout looked very similar to this description.
Under this layout, after some time had passed, the complaints that started were as follows:
* "The newbies are cluttering up the Discussion forum with all their newbie questions!!! :x Can we please, please get them their own Beginner's forum?!? I never know when I go into the Discussion forum how many threads will be from the more advanced photogs, and those are the only ones I want to read! If there were a Beginner's forum, we could just stay away or at least know if we go in there what level of experience to expect. Please!! I don't want to waste my time here opening up beginner's threads!"
Then came more:
* "The newbies are cluttering up all the Galleries with their beginner's photos!!

They post a picture of a telephone pole and expect serious C&C! Can we please, please, let them post their photos in the Beginner's forum? Maybe a subforum? I never know when I open a thread what kind of crap I'm going to have to look at, and if I knew it was from a beginner I could skip it!"
So here's another example of coming full circle. :razz:
We've tinkered endlessly with various forums/subforums, newbie v experienced, casual v. pro, film user v digital - trying to find that happy place where everyone knows where to post because they read the flippin' forum descriptions and they comfortably assign themselves to various categories. doesn't go quite like that.

You must come to appreciate that providing all the subforums/galleries for this special group or that one, rarely changes anything in the end, for if people don't read carefully we will always have mis-posts. I've been here since virtually the forum's conception and I can assure you, there is no magic bullet.
I appreciate the feedback, but right now the best thing to do is to continue with the setup as is. Please give a shout when threads need to be moved. Don't be concerned with the Report function only being used for spam - if more threads get moved then more users will get the idea.
As far as the original C&C intent of this thread, I believe we are going to stick with the idea of using the groups that some members have already started. Sign yourselves up, and discuss amongst yourselves how you want them laid out - and spread the word!! *Real* C&C will not be a regular forum anytime soon. When people ask about it, direct them to the appropriate group.