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Need opinions on a camera to buy.


TPF Noob!
Jan 7, 2011
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Washington State
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Need opinions on a camera. Im sure you guys get this a lot but when I am sitting here looking at reviews of cameras and thinking about buying one before I make that decision I thought, why not visit a photography forum and get the peoples thoughts there. You are probably more knowledgeable than myself.

I am looking to get a nice camera for under 400 dollars. I want to use it for more outdoor type photography and especially birds and that sort of thing. I would use it for other things to as well so I just want something that will give me a great quality image. Someone I know recommended this but I know he isn't a camera expert so I thought id get your thoughts. It's a Panasonic DMC-G10. It is on sale at Costco for $349.99 Thanks for any help, I do appreciate it.

Should also add that I would like something with some manual abilities. Id like a camera I could experiment with and maybe grow my skills with. Maybe set things like shutter speed. Unless that just puts me over the top price wise.
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What telephoto lens are you planning to get so you can take pictures of birds?

I'm not a fan of the 4/3 image sensor format and the 2x crop factor myself.
That was another question I was thinking about.
I mentioned the birds because Im just starting up this class by a friend of mine who is a Raptor Biologist so I thought it could be fun to get some bird shots. But I understand that without a huge zoom It may be difficult. I still want one for good outdoor use.

I guess I should just look for something that takes good quality images. The better I get then some day I may be able to buy a specific lens.

Im just looking for the best camera for the money.
When I look online I come up with this camera a lot.

Cannon Powershot SX20
I personally am a die hard Canon fan and have used their systems for the last 12 years.

Also since Canon & Nikon are the 2 biggest camera makers accessories, lenses etc are easier to come by and its easier to grow with their systems in the future.

Best thing you can do it try a few out and see what feels right to you.
Thanks guys. See what else shows up but ill look into both your suggestions. I just want to spend some money on a good one, and only have around 400 maybe 500 if its worth it to play with. SO I really appreciate any suggestions from guys who know about this.
check out the canon rebels. I started with my rebel xt when i first got into DSLR's. I loved it and it held up great. You can find some used cheaper rebels and then possibly have a little extra for a lens if you wanted to go that route

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