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need help in Chicago - can I borrow your canon mount lens?


TPF Noob!
Sep 23, 2008
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Buffalo Grove, IL
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I need help in Chicago area - my Sigma EX 18-50 f/2.8 lens is in service - the zoom ring broke on it and I have a B-day party for my daughter coming up next week. There is no chance I will get my lens back by that time, and that leaves me with only 70-200 lens that is absolutely useless for this occasion ( I kick myself for selling my nifty-fifty!)

I am looking to borrow a canon mount mid-zoom lens for a day or 2. something in between 18-70mm, preferably fast, but will also work with kit glass, if nothing else is available. I am in Buffalo Grove, and I can give you a security deposit for the cost of the lens. Please let me know if anyone can help me. I know that there are places to rent from, but If I could avoid the cost of it, it would be nice. I promise to be super careful and if at return time you are not happy with condition of the lens, feel free to keep the deposit
buffalo grove? wow im right next to you! Im in Vernon Hills but I shoot Nikon so couldn't have helped anyway.
Thanks, but Sigma did a great job - the lens was fixed under warranty and shipped back to me in 2 days after they received it! It will arrive tomorrow - I can't wait!

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