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Need help deciding which is the fourth image to submit... Make up my mind for me!

I go with the horse, More warmth and character in that shot. JMPO Ed
I would go with the horse because I don't know any photography friends that I go to exhibitions with that have ever said look at the technique in that photo, I couldn't give a toss about technique if the photo is boring
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Thanks all for the input! I've decided to go with the "martini" since it seemed popular, and also because once I laid them out, including the horse seemed more like three portraits, and I want demonstrate that I'm not a one-trick pony, vis-a-vis portraits. Thanks very much for the kind words on the fire-photo Sharon! :)

Derrel, it's a shadow (just barely visible on the print) which has for some reason become greatly accentuated in the process of crunching down the file for posting (done with a handy right-click utility rather than the 'proper' way).

Thanks again everyone - I really appreciate it!
The horse for me. It just melted into the background. It has a loving feeling. I feel love for it and I can tell it loves me too. Amazing piece of art.

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I'll go with the horse. The dark melting effect is amazing and I think the light in this pic is a great example of what can you do with just a light bulb in a deep dark cave. It's not the arrow it's always the archer!
Great great pics!

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