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My Photos Are NOT OK to Edit

Because they are the GREATEST
Because they are the GREATEST

And so many people here would want to take their great photos, edit them and use them to make money! :)

LOL! Yep we're all hanging on the beginners forum looking for photos to steal. I have no problems with watermarks, but I find it kinda funny when someone has been shooting for a week and creates a watermark.
If someone wants to steal your work, a little red or green flag on your profile isn't going to stop them. It's also illegal for them use the images for themselves whether you give editing permission or not..
If someone wants to steal your work, a little red or green flag on your profile isn't going to stop them. It's also illegal for them use the images for themselves whether you give editing permission or not..

This it true. You're not giving away any rights by allowing people to edit.
Watermarks <---deserve a thread of their very own
My question is... why does it bother you so much? :lol:
Here's a question though! If you someone edits an image for you, it is ethical to lay claim for the quality of the photo? Is it still completely your photo or should you give credit?

I'm guessing it still your photo. From the way I've hear it PP is just the modern day form of film processing. You don't give wal-mart credit when you develop your prints.

What do you think?
My reason is very simple. Someone edits one of my photos. It looks much better, because I am such a bad photographer and a blind slug could do Photostrop, or whatever it is called, better than I can. I lose my job when the client discovers she can get better pictures, cheaper from someone else. I wallow in self despair, spend all my money on gin, and can't afford to feed the cats. Do you want two innocent kitties to go hungry? Well do you?
I originaly had 'not ok to edit' marked because I though it meant they could edit the image in the original post, not post a new edited version in the thread. Not sure why I thought that and soon came to my senses and changed it.
And how many photographers register their images with the U.S. Copyright Office?

Just saying "this photo is mine!" is not going to stop the evil internet. That's why I won't complain when my images are stolen, because there's little I can do about it anyways.
I used it when I first signed up because I had NO idea what I was getting into (in more ways than one, lol), and didn't want to give permission to a bunch of internet strangers to take my photos (which, no, are not professional or even good necessarily--but dadgumit, they're MINE) and do who knows what to. For all I knew, I was gonna post a photo of my little boys (haha...it'd have to be an OLD photo, since they are currently about 6'5" and 6'8") and someone was gonna make them look fat, and pimply and put a mustache on them.

Yes, I'm a bit of skeptic, lol.

As soon as I realized the actual POINT of "My Photos are OK to Edit" I quickly changed my selection. In fact, I wish there was a "PLEASE Someone with Some Skill Edit My Photos." :lol:
My reason is very simple. Someone edits one of my photos. It looks much better, because I am such a bad photographer and a blind slug could do Photostrop, or whatever it is called, better than I can. I lose my job when the client discovers she can get better pictures, cheaper from someone else. I wallow in self despair, spend all my money on gin, and can't afford to feed the cats. Do you want two innocent kitties to go hungry? Well do you?


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