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My photo looks so noisy...


TPF Noob!
Sep 3, 2006
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Hello everyone!

I'm new to photography and to this forum. I bought tripod today and thought to test it. So I've made some pictures in the dark. I have Nikon D50 and I set the aperture to F4.5 and exposure was 30'' and ISO 200. When I watch this picture, I have a feeling that this picture is very noisy. Please can you check this picture and give your opinion about noisiness...or I'm worring too much...

You can see the photo here http://jaxx.pri.ee/DSC_0391.JPG
When its resized down a little the noise goes away... at full image size a lot of cameras will show a tad of noise... also the longer the exposure the more noise is induced into the photo..
There is not much noise in that picture. Do the same shot at 1600 and you will see niose.
Then it's ok. Actually the only lightsource was the display on the clock :)
That's absolutely fine... No problem with noise, and as mentioned, you aren't really going to see it at normal print/view sizes anyway.

Obviously the lower the ISO the lower the noise, but I suspect that at ISO 100 the exposure might have gone over 1 minute and screwed up the result.

Rob said:
Obviously the lower the ISO the lower the noise, but I suspect that at ISO 100 the exposure might have gone over 1 minute and screwed up the result.


Yes, but on the Nikon D50 and D70 200 is the minimum ISO. That's the only gripe I've had with my D70 so far. I don't miss 100, per se, but more range is always nice to have.
it looks fine to me. if you're worried about not having sharp numbers in the display, bear in mind that that kind of display "leaks" light al over the place and your camera is going to pick that up at 30"
Personally, I don't see too much noise in that picture. And I like the idea.
You should downsize it to a webfriendly size that'll fit onto everyone's screen and show it in the General Gallery.

Hey, and welcome to ThePhotoForum, Jakko.
jakko100 said:
Hello everyone!
When I watch this picture, I have a feeling that this picture is very noisy. Please can you check this picture and give your opinion about noisiness...or I'm worring too much...

You can see the photo here http://jaxx.pri.ee/DSC_0391.JPG

Well, it soes not appear extremely noisy for me. if you want less noise, you can also post-process it ... may i edit your image?
EDIT:.. Is it justified that I replied to the completly wrong topic?


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