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My first Milky Way Panorama

Looks fantastic. I'd want to try it one day!
Very cool. And no pun intended but I like the first one. Nicely done.
Thank you. Even though I know it is unrealistically blue, I like it better also. For one thing, it was 24 degrees out at 4AM when I shot it and the blue tone gives it a feel that is representative of how it actually felt out there 😛
Looks fantastic. I'd want to try it one day!
You just need to have patience and make sure the tripod is as level as you can get it. There are a ton of tutorials on YouTube and I must have looked at 100 of them before I finally went out.
Very nice. I don't have a Mac, I think I'm out.

I like the cooler colors too and set the camera to Incandescent for night skies.

Never anything as nice or clear or pretty as the Milky Way. Just star trails or meteorite hunting.

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