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My first attempt at bird watching...

:shock: That wasn't what I was expecting AT ALL!

The OOF area seems strange to me, but I love the dynamics of the black and white. This is strange because I really like deep blacks... in this case, I think it works for your photo.
:shock: That wasn't what I was expecting AT ALL!

The OOF area seems strange to me, but I love the dynamics of the black and white. This is strange because I really like deep blacks... in this case, I think it works for your photo.

It is strange. It's flipped. I took the picture standing with the "head" towards me using a 50mm @ f/1.8 and flipped it right side up. The Bokeh is all backwards, but I liked it....it's almost a little abstract.

There were a ton of these things in the upper floors of an abandonded warehouse I was poking around in.
Do you know what kind of bird it was originally?
Wah! Don't know whther to laugh or cry! Cool shot though, the bokeh is interesting
I'd say you waited just a "tad" too long before you pushed the button... ;)

(Or you simply arrived too late at the spot? :wink: )

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