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My experiment with 600 manipulation

So I've made some progress today. My hubby is going to kill me when he finds out how much money I've spent(I also bought other stuff for 2 older boys birthdays) I won the oils last night on ebay and I've ordered some film and a filter. Yay!! So next time I have a free weekend I have to figure out somewhere to go:smileys: Road Trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe
Congrats on winning the oils! :thumbup:

Road trips are da bomb.
Here's a probably dumb question but I'll ask just for fun. After all this is a $20 roll of film here. I FINALLY got a roll of infrared. Stupid me left it in the refridgerator where my five year old son found it and decided he was going to put it in his polaroid camera. ANYWAY he decided to come ask for help before putting it into the camera but he DID take the roll out of the canister. IS there any chance that it's just fogged or should I just trash it totally?
patriciao82173 said:
Here's a probably dumb question but I'll ask just for fun. After all this is a $20 roll of film here. I FINALLY got a roll of infrared. Stupid me left it in the refridgerator where my five year old son found it and decided he was going to put it in his polaroid camera. ANYWAY he decided to come ask for help before putting it into the camera but he DID take the roll out of the canister. IS there any chance that it's just fogged or should I just trash it totally?
HIE.....? It's definitely been compromised if it was taken from the canister. :( If I were you, just as an experiment, I'd still pop on that red filter and go shoot the roll as you normally would, taking the utmost care to load/unload in utter darkness. I wouldn't bother with anything super important, but it would be interesting to see how badly it fogged, if the light indeed piped all the way through the roll, etc. You just might find a couple of salvageable frames.
terri said:
HIE.....? It's definitely been compromised if it was taken from the canister. :( If I were you, just as an experiment, I'd still pop on that red filter and go shoot the roll as you normally would, taking the utmost care to load/unload in utter darkness. I wouldn't bother with anything super important, but it would be interesting to see how badly it fogged, if the light indeed piped all the way through the roll, etc. You just might find a couple of salvageable frames.

Yeah that's what I was planning to do. Where is an easy somewhat inexpensive place I can send this type film to develop?
patriciao82173 said:
Yeah that's what I was planning to do. Where is an easy somewhat inexpensive place I can send this type film to develop?
The blunt answer is: I've no clue. :lol: You will want a Pro lab, though, so you can walk in and they will actually understand you when you hand them a roll of HIE and tell them what it is, so they know not to pop that lid off a second time!! ;) Don't attempt to mess with anything less. It would be great if they'd give you a contact print, too. You might call around and talk to some folks before driving anywhere. Get some prices and a good feel for what they're capable of.

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