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My Daughter...


TPF Noob!
Sep 20, 2010
Reaction score
Palm Harbor, Florida
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
At graduation...

Preferably when posting a picture you should give us some insight if you are posting just for ****s and giggles or if you want c&c. I do not know the type of response you are hoping to get.

Nevertheless you must be a proud parent!
Preferably when posting a picture you should give us some insight if you are posting just for ****s and giggles or if you want c&c. I do not know the type of response you are hoping to get.

Nevertheless you must be a proud parent!

Good point! C & C always welcome :mrgreen:

Yep, I am a proud Mom!
It looks really unnatural with her colored and everything else B&W.
Not too bad really...I prefer the selective color one to the RGB color one. Congrats to you and your daughter!
Not too bad really...I prefer the selective color one to the RGB color one. Congrats to you and your daughter!

Thanks much.

I suspect I'd prefer full color with the same crop as the other.


Good point, I guess the kid with his finger in his mouth is a bit distracting :lmao:
I like the selected color part, but she needs to take up more of the frame and be sharper.
This is one of those rare cases, where, IMO, selective works and is totally appropriate. The image is nice, as-is, but I would suggest however a little more work on the monochrome portion. It's somewhat 'muddy' and lacking contrast. I think with a little more work there, and perhaps brightening the subject a little, you could have a really strong image.
Okay - my .02 FWIW...

I HATE selective coloring. That being said, this may be the one time that I actually think it works... Here in the color version you have a sea of maroon and her face gets lost.

Do me (or yourself) a favor, especially of you saved the .psd file. MAke another copy of the color layer and instead of going mono with it, desaturate it. Try it ar varying degrees. See if that works better for your daughter.

Also, try a 2 to 3 crop, from the button on the boys cap (just to her right, your left) down to the bottom of her hair and keep the sides where they are (on the first image on the top of this post.) Yeah, it is horozontal, but it just might work.

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