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Music Photography - Band & Guitar


TPF Noob!
Sep 26, 2005
Reaction score
Laurel, Mississippi USA
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
1. - Sypher

2. Texas Telocaster (sp?)
Fender Telecaster = Sex for the ears. :afro:

Nice perspective on the guitar. :)
Thanks - OHH Telecaster not telocaster...haha... sorry. My husband plays a strat, and this one is my father-in-laws. He just traded one of his others for it and wanted me to take some shots. The shot looks great when its REALLY BIG...lol. But - people would complain if they had to scroll..haha.

I would have prefered 1 if they were more spaced out and at different distances to the camera..

2 is awesome though.
nice shots, would have been good if you could have got all of the head of the one on right at the back in, but its still nice.

Number two is great, nice POV on it and good colours
I love that second picture. The lines in the wood really add to the lines on the guitar. Great set up.
:headbang: Cool shots. Really love the guitar.:headbang:

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