Movies and Shows on Hard Copies


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Oct 21, 2016
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I have been posting about DVD's and Blu-rays in the "TV" topic, but I thought that by now we could have a separate topic for "hard copy" shows to cover DVDs and Blu-rays and VHS (yes I still use VHS) or whatever else becomes available. These are not "broadcasted" and not "streamed".

Anyway, to start this off, I thought I would mention that I bought the DVD and Blu-ray box for Villeneuve's "Dune". I watched it on July 2nd. The chuckle I got was that I am now fairly certain that I saw all of the first ~40 min. on various YouTube clips. There was a heavy push to win an Oscar and to build the audience clips were show for North America and also from the European distribution. And the clips were different, so that some parts were shown in some clips and other parts in others, but I think I recognized every frame of that first 40 odd minutes, and quite a bit of the rest of the movie. Still, I am glad that I bought the disc set because I got to see it all in order, and yes the "missing" parts tied it all together and added enough to make me feel I was not ripped off.
Massive movie nut here. I have DVD and Blu-ray but also many many VHS's and about 50 or so Laserdisc.
Hooked up to my TV are....
DVD player/recorder
2nd DVD player
2 VHS players (6 on back up)
And if I can get them to work I have 2 Laserdisc players.

Here are 2 VHS I found last week for 99 cents each........

So much going on. I watched "Dune" (obviously), but then we had a major Internet outage in Canada, so I took the opportunity to watch an old disc "The Adjustment Bureau". I should comment on all that stuff, but then I also bought "Picard" season 1, and I have finished all that too. So there is actually a lot of "new stuff" in my head. This could all get jumbled up. For example, the scene where Souji is guided through her dreams reminded me of Zelazny's "Amber" series. It clearly recalls walking "the Pattern". So much. . . .
VHS I have collected mainly for the box art (most of them I have on disc).





and my favorite Barbara Stanwyck movie, she is my favorite actress of all time. The framed poster is the DVD cover enlarged.

Star Trek Beyond
- on DVD
- on disc markings: "(595395) AC146595DVR0"
This is a 2016 movie

I bought this used, so probably back around 2018, and it was "misplaced" until recently. I remember it having been poorly received, so that was probably the real reason I didn't get around to watching it until now.

I have mixed feeling about it. It was "not so bad" overall. I do think that with, maybe better direction/acting it could have done better. The concept was ok, and the acting/directing was not "terrible", it just needed a bit of adjusting.
"Memoirs of a Geisha"

It is awards season, and with Michelle Yoeh already winning the SAG and Golden Globe awards and nominated for the the Academy Awards, I looked for what I had in my collection. I have "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" (2000) somewhere, but I found "Memoirs of a Geisha" (2005) first. So that is what I plan to watch. The product number is 11159 and it includes 2 DVDs. I think one has the movie and the other is "extra materials".

This is a good movie for me because it is a "western" production (including writing and direction), and it has no martial arts. Everything about it is "good" or at least "competent". I am looking forward to seeing it again.
Star Trek Beyond
- on DVD
- on disc markings: "(595395) AC146595DVR0"
This is a 2016 movie

I bought this used, so probably back around 2018, and it was "misplaced" until recently. I remember it having been poorly received, so that was probably the real reason I didn't get around to watching it until now.

I have mixed feeling about it. It was "not so bad" overall. I do think that with, maybe better direction/acting it could have done better. The concept was ok, and the acting/directing was not "terrible", it just needed a bit of adjusting.
I really enjoyed Beyond. I was the only one in my movie group to give it 3 out of 4 stars. Two things I did not like, really disliked that "song" they used to defeat the swarm, dumb concept. And I also did not like the direction. Shame on you JJ...!!
VHS 69 cent finds. I finally own this movie, took me long enough!
What can I say, it's one of the top 10 westerns ever made. The Making of' has good old Leonard Maltin talking in detail for 25 mins about the production. Big fan of Maltin.
I always check for mold or a very worn looking beginning of a tape. These 2 played fine. One tiny very short fuzzy screen during the Making of' but other than that "Bob's your uncle".

Massive movie nut here. I have DVD and Blu-ray but also many many VHS's and about 50 or so Laserdisc.
Hooked up to my TV are....
DVD player/recorder
2nd DVD player
2 VHS players (6 on back up)
And if I can get them to work I have 2 Laserdisc players.

Here are 2 VHS I found last week for 99 cents each........
You can play BluRay and DVDs on a Playstation as well.
My Sony TV plays 3D on one of the last 4K TV's that did so made that year. I think it was 2016. So I have a few 3D disc movies like Everest.
Wow, I just checked and people are selling their old Everest 3D copies for $100.
I hate when that happens. People with money latch onto what I want just when I get interested. :)

I still have a 3D viewing setup for appropriate DVDs and Blurays. I haven't used it that way lately, but it should still work.

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