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Most Trusted Places To Buy Used Cameras and Lenses?

I bought a supposedly new lens from them and when I got it, it had pretty remarkable fungus on the back lens elements. I called them and told them I want them to replace the lens and they gave me all kinds of run-around about me going from too warm and environment to too cold and that caused the fungus...what BS. Finally, I just returned the lens and got a refund.
Wow - that sounds like some BS. Glad you returned it and got a full refund. In my experience, an incident like this has never happened. I've used them often, gotten random advice over the phone, etc. Usually if they give a clean rating, the item is clean and then some. Sorry that happened to you!
shop local if you can. Fortunately I live within an hour of 3 major cities with some decent shops. If that's not an option, MBP or Robert's Camera/usedphotopro (same company, different branches for new/used). They're listed on ebay as Robert's Camera.
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After talking to a YouTuber and getting over my fear of buying used I now agree buying used can be a good way to save money. The YouTuber I talked with said to just make sure to buy from reputable companies that have great warranties/exchanges/refunds. He mentioned Adorama and B&H and I figure buying direct from the manufacturer would be fine as well, but are there others you would place on this list? Thanks.
I have found B&H and Adorama's customer service and return policies to be excellent. I have found KEH's condition description to be honest, so have no experience with their customer service.
I've bought many things through UsedPhotoPro and AllensCamera and everything has been even better than advertised and I've never had any issues with either. UsedPhotoPro is RobertsCamera's used site.
Here there is “ London camera exchange” who I have used for years.
another firm is MPB again I have used them and were vert fair.
I have had very good luck with MPB
After talking to a YouTuber and getting over my fear of buying used I now agree buying used can be a good way to save money. The YouTuber I talked with said to just make sure to buy from reputable companies that have great warranties/exchanges/refunds. He mentioned Adorama and B&H and I figure buying direct from the manufacturer would be fine as well, but are there others you would place on this list?

I've bought from B&H and Adorama and would in a sec. again from either. Check out refurbished cameras.
When selling used gear, MPB has consistently paid the best price other than a direct sale. I have also bought from them and been happy with the condition of the gear.

I also like Adorama - Frank in the used gear department has been helpful in the past answering my questions although it’s been a few years since I have needed to call them.

B&H accepted a return of a used lens after the 30 day window when I called and asked them to, which was nice of them.

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