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Aug 3, 2012
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Decided to do some more "product" practice this afternoon. This time, I used 2 lights and 2 reflectors on white.

Color eggs & spirits-58-Edit.webp
Beautifully lit again.

I no longer drink but if I did, I'd buy that.
Good shot, I see a trend here, are these all from your own stock lol
Beautifully lit again.

I no longer drink but if I did, I'd buy that.

Thank you.

Good shot, I see a trend here, are these all from your own stock lol

Thank you. Yes, but as you can see, they are still unopened. The first two were gifts from friends that I just haven't opened them to try yet. The last one is a local distiller and I busted into it a few hours after taking the shots.
Added some new gear today. A portable product table and a reflector that has magnets that you can attached included gels. This is a quick test with both. Looking forward to spending time learning how to use this table and reflector.

1) with the red gel. Had to composite in a brighter label on this one.

Product testing-38-Edit.webp

2) Here is without gels.

Product testing-90-Edit.webp
Added some new gear today. A portable product table and a reflector that has magnets that you can attached included gels. This is a quick test with both. Looking forward to spending time learning how to use this table and reflector.

1) with the red gel. Had to composite in a brighter label on this one.

View attachment 203125

2) Here is without gels.

View attachment 203126

I haven't consumed alcohol for over 15 years but now I'm tempted:D
The first shot is getting there. The only negative for me is the reflection on the top of the bottle, just below the neck, and the spots below the label. At first I thought it might be dust on the sensor, but not seeing any in other parts makes me wonder if it was on the bottle. Really like how your practice has evolved.
The first shot is getting there. The only negative for me is the reflection on the top of the bottle, just below the neck, and the spots below the label. At first I thought it might be dust on the sensor, but not seeing any in other parts makes me wonder if it was on the bottle. Really like how your practice has evolved.

Not totally sure what you mean but it may be from the light behind. I spent time to fix all the sensor dust on this image (I really need to send in my cameras to Canon for cleaning).

Thank you all for the kind words. My intent is to improve my skills. By sharing these practice files, I am able to get insight from "fresh" eyes and also maybe allow others to learn and grow as well.
Not totally sure what you mean but it may be from the light behind

I'm not trying to be overly critical of the image, but you're highly qualified, I think that you like I strive for perfection. I hope you won't take offense to my comments, personally I'd rather have all my flaws pointed out, rather than all the likes in the world, because I miss things sometimes. The difference in an outstanding product shot and an okay shot are the little things that no one consciously notices but they register. At the top of the bottle the reflection is distracting, the ring on the cap is blown of details, as are the edges of the bottle and there are strange white streaks on the right side. Below the label are several dust spots either from the sensor or on the bottle. Finally, below the bottle the reflection is distracting and devoid of detail.

Color eggs & spirits-58-Edit1.webp
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Oh Smoke, okay now I understand. You were looking at the original and I was looking at the last two.
Okay, switched bottles again. This one is one that I haven't opened and have been using for practice. I realized that the new table has a plexiglass with a shiny side and a matte side, so I used the matte side tonight.

On this image, I used 3 lights and 2 pieces of foam core. 1 light behind the table shooting through it. 1 light below shooting up under the bottle and the third is pointing down just in front of the bottle to light the label. The foam core was on either side of the bottle to help bounce light and light the label. Shot with a Canon1Dx and Sigma 105mm macro with a circular polarizer to help with reflections. ISO 400, 105mm, f/8.0 at 1/100 shutter.

For disclosure, this was 2 images. 1 with the two lights behind and under the table to light the background and the bottle and the second one, I added the overhead light to light the label. Then I composited it in PS to put the lighter label on the bottle. Also did cleanup for sensor dust and a few imperfections on or in the bottle. Then I did a little bit of dodge and burn just to top it off.

@ronlane I like the mat finish on the plexiglass, I could see several different approaches using it. Overall the lighting looks more even and you've done a better job taming the reflections.

On the down side you've lost the bottle edges, even more so than the first. Glass is difficult to render the edges sharp, one of the only methods I've found is to use a lighting method that encompasses some form of White Line or Black Line. White-Line and Black-Line Lighting | Sekonic if the glass is detailed then White Line works best, if not then I prefer Black Line for its crisp lines.

There's something funky going on in the bottom of the bottle. I would expect the bottom ring to extend in an arc around the back, not be abruptly cut off. Is it possible that when you overlayed the label shot you didn't brush away and blend the bottom?

I've never asked, but do you use grids or snoots on your lights? Its a great way to control and shape the light so it doesn't spill out in unwanted areas.

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