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Moose Orbs

No comments on this astounding observation? :grumpy:


I don't believe such a moment of nature's grandeur has ever been captured in a photo with such skill. Just look, as it plops to the ground in such efficient packages! Fantastic...
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I don't believe such a moment of nature's grandeur has ever been captured in a photo with such skill. Just look, as it plops to the ground in such efficient packages! Fantastic...
Ahhh such appreciation for one of life's finer moments. Thank you

(Truth be told this was one of my better shots today once I cloned out the crap)

I don't believe such a moment of nature's grandeur has ever been captured in a photo with such skill. Just look, as it plops to the ground in such efficient packages! Fantastic...
Ahhh such appreciation for one of life's finer moments. Thank you

(Truth be told this was one of my better shots today once I cloned out the crap)

Literal crap? Or figurative crap? ;) lol
*moving to just for fun gallery*
Snaps said:
Seems like a "does a bear Sh*t in the woods?* moment :)

I think that he was showing me what he thought about posing.
LMAO Dave.
This got moved before I got a chance to see it.
Is that what it's called now? Orbs? hahahaha

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