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Moon w/Sigma 18-250


TPF Noob!
May 27, 2009
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I know, another moon... :lol:

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Yup another moon. After all this time I've been into photography, I still haven't done a moon shot.....need to put that on my short list of things to do.
You wouldn't think so, but moon shots are actually pretty challenging.

This one I shot using the following settings:
1/500 - f/8 - 200 ISO
I'll have to try it with a tripod tonight and see if there's a difference, that one was shot handheld with stabilization off (didn't realize it until today).
Good luck.

Watch the WB :sexywink:

Some things to consider, 2 second shutter delay or wireless shutter release, four second mirror lockup, auto focus + manual using live view if you have it :)

Cheers, Don
I added a little color in post :lol:

I'll have to try using a remote and delay, see if that helps... I have a D90 so Live View is something I could try.
This photo is rad. Moon shots are indeed difficult. I need a new lens... haha

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