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Monique Rose


TPF Noob!
May 1, 2005
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Cheshire, England
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Monique Rose.
Darling eldest child of Hrant & Lulu Bakirgian.
24th May 1935 in her 13th year.


"Et. Rose, elle a Vecu ce que Vivent les Roses.

L'aspace d un matin."

wohoa.... dude thats one eeire lookin chick!..... man what a find.... good job with the processing chris this is a great addition to the gallery :thumbup:
Great darkside post, PS! Nicely captured detail in the robe and roses, and nice compo with the lightcoloured statue against the darker b/g, with the gravestones barely visible behind her. Really like this one.
What a work of art. Even in 1935 I'll bet that wasn't cheap to have carved and put up. 13, life can be so short.

Nice photo.
She looks like maybe she wants to hurt someone to me :pale:

Good job, lots of detail.
I really like this one as well. I even like how her face seems a bit dirty and smudged, and almost like she's up to something. Very eerie. Nice work
Thanks for the comments guys. :)

There's something erie about a sweet young girl like this in a cemetary! :lol:
definately a good photo, i dont find it eerie at all, more sombre and thoughtful, but hey, thats just me.
Ah, even after so many decades, I still feel with the parents!
There is nothing worse in life than losing one's child.
Makes me sad, this one ... :(

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