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Modelmayhem down!


TPF Noob!
Jan 18, 2010
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Detroit MI
Can others edit my Photos
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Ok so I realize now I have a full fledge addiction to modelmayhem.com since it has apperntly crashed and i have new pics to post in my portfolio and cant!! What the hell am I supposed to do at work if I cant talk to my models and find some new talent!! Anyone else freaking out over this?
Well it feels like a G.D. eternity. I'm the only one that fought the blizzard and showed up at my office figuring i could take it easy and maybe goof around on mayhem only to find it shut down......weak
Well it feels like a G.D. eternity. I'm the only one that fought the blizzard and showed up at my office figuring i could take it easy and maybe goof around on mayhem only to find it shut down......weak

I suggest a 12-step program.
Find another way to source a hotel room you can tie wanna-be models up in?
Model mayhem is offline for a few hours?

Oh noes!!!!
it was down for 2 days.
Find another way to source a hotel room you can tie wanna-be models up in?

Rather shoot wanna-be models than kids and cat and stupid dolls.
Find another way to source a hotel room you can tie wanna-be models up in?

Rather shoot wanna-be models than kids and cat and stupid dolls.

HA! epic burn!

I only tie them up if they want to be tied up:)

Every model at one point or another was a "wannabe" model. I will never bad mouth a site that allows me photograph beautiful people who are more than willing to undress for free.
Find another way to source a hotel room you can tie wanna-be models up in?

Rather shoot wanna-be models than kids and cat and stupid dolls.

HA! epic burn!

I only tie them up if they want to be tied up:)

Every model at one point or another was a "wannabe" model. I will never bad mouth a site that allows me photograph beautiful people who are more than willing to undress for free.

Haha, it IS a nice site, but I hope everyone survived the 2 day!!!!!! downtime. :)
Haha, it IS a nice site, but I hope everyone survived the 2 day!!!!!! downtime. :)

It's been like 5 months, so I assume everyone has gotten over it by now...
It's a good thing this thread was dredged up by a spambot. Otherwise I never would have known that modelmayhem was down for 2 days years ago.

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