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Memorial Day pics


TPF Noob!
Oct 2, 2005
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Nothing real fancy here.. Just some fun photos from Memorial Day..

First my boys.. 2 of 4



The remaining 3 just pictures from the area..




Thanks for looking
So I assume you celebrated Memorial Day with a barbecue?
I really like the look of your eldest (?) in the first photo! "I'm having my doubt that she'll get this right" he seems to think. Funny! :D
The last photo shows a very impressive memorial, mind........ :greenpbl: (sorry :wink: )
Hey holly! great pics of your boys :D love the eyes in #1... sweet :)
great exposures on the fire
nice series :)
thanks for sharing
Wow, your sons have beautiful eyes. I love the expression in that first shot. Great captures!
Now Holly, do tell us: what did you put on that barbecue of yours, after all? Hm?
I like the first three. You must be proud of your sons. :)
Thanks!! :) I am very proud of my boys!! They are a joy.. and a handful ;)

Corinna This was our lunch picnic... My 6 year old planned this one for his Scout elective.. We had hot dogs and burgers on this grill... THe grill at home for dinner we had BBQ chicken and Corn on the cob.. :)

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