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Me happy......: )

photo gal

No longer a newbie, moving up!
Feb 4, 2005
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Planet Carolyn..Cool place....you should visit!
My middle son Jeremy came for the weekend.....and he brought a girl (well woman) with him!!! I love her! He hasn't had a serious girlfriend in years...(and he has so much love to give!!!....he dated alot but never found anyone he wanted to spend too much time with.....They were so cute together it just made my heart sing!!!

I have to tell you this part.....cuz it was so funny.....I say to Jeremy "so it looks like you found your mother in your girlfriend".....and He replied with "yeah but with enough differences for it not to be wierd!!! God I laughed...:lmao:

Anyway I had a great time with them and I get the feeling she will be around.........she seems to understand him in a way no other woman (besides myself) and appreciates the many layers of Jeremy!

Anyway!...Just wanted to share my joy!

Me happy!!!:heart:
That is a wonderful thing to see! Knowing your child has grown up safely and found love. That's all we can wish for them, when you get right down to it, isn't it? :love:

I'm happy with you, and for you! :hugs:
Congratulations... I'm glad he found a good girl! Good people are hard to find nowadays! :thumbup:
Thats so sweet photogal!:lovey: im happy for you :hugs: and hoping it goes well for the two:thumbup: :) :) :)
Thanks Ladies!!!!!! :hugs:

did I mention this was the first woman he's brought to meet me......since high school! YAY!!!!

I've met his other girlfriends but he never "brought them to meet me"

I'm so jazzed!:lovey:
I'm smiling at the thought of how happy you are, PG!! That's great news about him finding a love worthy of meeting his mom. I supposed you'd have to grin and bear it if he brought someone home you weren't all that jazzed about, so it's just so awesome that you really do like her. Keep us "posted".
YAY Photo Gal ... I wondered where you'd been ...

Spring time and love ... what could be better?!!?
This is definitely a *girly* post!

But...if she's a cutie...then yay for Jeremy ;)
And of course yay for you, just cause it makes you happy :D
anicole said:
YAY Photo Gal ... I wondered where you'd been ...

Spring time and love ... what could be better?!!?

chocolate and dreams...???

congrat pg... i am so tickled for you....gotta be a great feeling when your son picks a girl you like...

* hint, there knothead..*
I wonder if it is the same for a Father and his Daughter.... I guess time will tell.

Congrats to you and your Son for finding someone who made him so happy :)
woodsac said:
This is definitely a *girly* post!

But...if she's a cutie...then yay for Jeremy ;)
And of course yay for you, just cause it makes you happy :D

Oh she's a cutie alright....and smart...and funny....and successful too! He scored.....she scored!!

Thanks everyone for being happy for us....:heart:

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