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Marlee, 4 months, new photoshoot


TPF Noob!
Feb 19, 2007
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Here's a shoot I did with my little cousin Marlee again. I've taken your advice from the past shots, and I think they turned out significantly better. Thanks for the C&C... would love some on these shots as well.
I know my sheet I was using as a backdrop is wrinkly, however I don't think they take away from the shots too much. Marlee is such a happy little one, SO easy to get her to smile!

Here are my past threads, you can see the improvement.






Here's one of my little "helpers", Layla. She wanted me to test out my settings on her.
Beautiful shot's!
I see you are good photographing at babies, in my opinion the face expression is good at almost in every picture, the clothes are nice and I like everything in this, just simple beauty.
But I hate the black background in every picture so much! It makes the pictures look sad to me, I don't even know why. Even the colors don't look good imo in black background, so I think you maybe should try to go B/W?
But the black background was only thing I didn't like, without that or B/W they would be lovely and stunning!
Thanks for the comment. I personally liked the black background, I needed something simple for a backdrop and chose to use black. I suppose not every client would like black and I could use white next time, however mom and dad were happy with the black.

Any other C&C?
Seperating the subject from the background wouldve helped knock it out to pure black ( the BG ) which I think wouldve helped the images a lot... you can do this is post as well too though. Have you checked any of these out in B+W?
Seperating the subject from the background wouldve helped knock it out to pure black ( the BG ) which I think wouldve helped the images a lot... you can do this is post as well too though. Have you checked any of these out in B+W?

How can I do this in PP? I use Gimp currently but just bought Adobe Photoshop Elements 7. I have looked at them in B&W, but the color of the purple blanket is nearly the exact color of her skin when converted to B&W. I'm not really sure how to avoid that.
I agree with not liking the black background.. Typically babies are shot with very light and uplifting colors such as white or pastels. The last picture it appears as though her feet aren't attached to her body because the pants are the same exact black as the background, it looks quite odd..

Also, I'm not exactly sure why but there is a distinct lack of color to the eyes in all the shots.
Seperating the subject from the background wouldve helped knock it out to pure black ( the BG ) which I think wouldve helped the images a lot... you can do this is post as well too though. Have you checked any of these out in B+W?

How can I do this in PP? I use Gimp currently but just bought Adobe Photoshop Elements 7. I have looked at them in B&W, but the color of the purple blanket is nearly the exact color of her skin when converted to B&W. I'm not really sure how to avoid that.

With GIMP, Im honestly not sure how to throw the darks into complete black... Ive seen tuts for Lightroom... Ill try to look around for it though... setting the black point will help but may effect other parts of the image.. so theres something more to it... but Im just not sure.

As for the B+W conversion...did you shoot in RAW? If so I think you could try different color filters to give certain colors different shades of grey.. or I believe you could adjust the purple while still in color to have it differentiate from the skin tone when put into B+W.
She is really photfriendly and photogenic

#3& #5 are my best choices; in the first i would have preferred her spreading legs; this posture looks a bit constrained for me; babies always look better in light shaded backgrounds like light blue, pink, very light green etc

Regards :D

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