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Manhattan Weekend Getaway


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jun 17, 2013
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Wifey had to go up for business, so I tagged along and we did some touristy things over the weekend. I haven't been in 16 years.

he first official stop for lunch:

by The Braineack, on Flickr

by The Braineack, on Flickr

by The Braineack, on Flickr

Back over to Rockafeller Plaza, did the NBC studios tour (bernie sanders was there so we couldnt see SNL :( ), the to the top.

by The Braineack, on Flickr

by The Braineack, on Flickr

DSC00847 by The Braineack, on Flickr

Northern View from top of 30 Rock
by The Braineack, on Flickr

Southern View from top of 30 Rock
by The Braineack, on Flickr

then dinner at Bobby Flay's place:

by The Braineack, on Flickr

end with seeing Tony Hinchcliffe do stand-up; absolutely hilarious.
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On the way to wait in line for an hour to get bagels...

Atlas in Morning
by The Braineack, on Flickr
3 image pano.

by The Braineack, on Flickr

by The Braineack, on Flickr

went to the MET

by The Braineack, on Flickr

got pizza, hit the library (but the reading room was closed off) then went to MOMA:

by The Braineack, on Flickr

DSC00937 by The Braineack, on Flickr

took a few night captures before the big pounding by the Broncos.

Atlas at Night
by The Braineack, on Flickr
9 image stitch.

St. Patrick's Cathedral at Night
by The Braineack, on Flickr
4 image stitch.

by The Braineack, on Flickr

by The Braineack, on Flickr
4 image stitch

by The Braineack, on Flickr
next morning i met-up with a friend I've talked to online for over 10 years and never met, and headed back home.

by The Braineack, on Flickr

by The Braineack, on Flickr

by The Braineack, on Flickr

and that was about it.

These are all with the a6000 and the kit 16-50mm. Seems to hold its own, but the files needed a lot more work to get them where I'd like them compared to the Nikon (so much I had to establish different defaults for both my cameras), and the shadow recovery still doesn't hold a candle.

It's super convenient but really missed the DLSR. Good practice run with it before my London/Italy trip in May.

Mirrorless cameras really need help in the battery life department. I would have expected that weekend might have used 5-10% of my nikon's battery, i was down to 20% by the time I got home. I only took like 200 pictures.
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I'm proud to say my work is on the walls of MOMA.
Unfortunately,it consists of drywall tape and compound,and was created with a knife and trowel.
Nice pics.
I'm proud to say my work is on the walls of MOMA.
Unfortunately,it consists of drywall tape and compound,and was created with a knife and trowel.
Nice pics.

That's better than the crap they called photography there. Last time I was at the MET they were showing an Annie Leibovitz exhibit (~16 years ago). This year it was literally shots someone took around his office building. the most boring ridiculous pictures ive ever seen, like someone got his first 1.8 lens and start shooting the first thing he saw.

the MOMA was just way too busy, full of loud dumb kids and silly conceptual art that looked like trash and had no point. It's a shame Starry Night is there and not with the rest of Gough at the MET.
wasn't my misses... just thought it was funny, crazy amount of selfie sticks in that town.

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