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Manfrotto 680 monopod problems


TPF Noob!
Sep 18, 2007
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Hi everyone,

Just got a manfrotto 680b monopod, but a few things have gotten me very confused. This has mainly to do with the leg extension locking tension, and is best explained in pictures.
My confusion started when i opened the manual:

As you can see, there is a part M in picture 1. This part doesnt get mentioned anywhere in the text. Then only similar thing that gets mentioned is part N in picture 5.
Just a typo i thought... but no, there was more confusion to come.
The key N (and the key M, which i think are supposed to be the same) is a hexagonal key. On my tripod, at the place where it is used in the picture to adjust the locking tension, there is a round nut!

So i figured, maybe the round nut is just a protection cover, and the actual nut to turn is underneath, but the round nut wont budge.

So, i was wondering if there are any other people out there who own this (or a similar) monopod and can help me clear up my confusion..

Help is much appreciated.

Oh, and one more thing.
Is it me or is there a spring missing in the circled area? There is a crevice for a spring just like on the top two locking clamps, but on the third locking clamp the spring seems to be missing. Is this by design, or have i been shipped a 'faulty' product?

In any case, I'll be giving the shop a call tomorrow and see what they have to say. Hopefully someone on here can help me out too.

Again, thanks very much..

Do you have the right manual? Just double check. My Manfrotto tripod came with a manual for an incredibly similar one but there were subtle differences like you mentioned, different nuts here and there.

Tried the bottom clamp yet? Does it feel like the others? Maybe it's the design but if it feels different it may be a fault.
I guess it is safe to assume you have tried to use the "key N" to tighten the nuts if not I would try this before you assume things are wrong. Personally I try to avoid manuals for simple items so as to avoid making them unnecessarily complicated. I'm sorry if I was given the manual to your monopod before I bought it i think I would have avoided buying it because it was too complicated. When I got my Mafrotto monopod the first thing I did was throw the manual away.
Do you have the right manual? Just double check. My Manfrotto tripod came with a manual for an incredibly similar one but there were subtle differences like you mentioned, different nuts here and there.

Well, the manual is for the manfrotto 680, and as far as I know, the 680B is the same but then in black. From what i can find on the net, there are no design differences between the two. It's a bit hard to confirm, manfrotto doesnt seem to put its manuals online.
Also, i find it weird that the monopod did come with the hexagonal key, but there is no nut on the monopod where it actually fits..

Tried the bottom clamp yet? Does it feel like the others? Maybe it's the design but if it feels different it may be a fault.

It actually feels just like the other two clamps, and seems to function properly. However one reason why I suspect that there should be a spring there is because on the following picture, the spring is shown:

Probably not the best picture to base conlcusions on, but it's still got me questioning if the spring is missing by design.

In any case, thanks for the reply :)

I guess it is safe to assume you have tried to use the "key N" to tighten the nuts if not I would try this before you assume things are wrong. Personally I try to avoid manuals for simple items so as to avoid making them unnecessarily complicated. I'm sorry if I was given the manual to your monopod before I bought it i think I would have avoided buying it because it was too complicated. When I got my Mafrotto monopod the first thing I did was throw the manual away.

Well, the monopod didnt come with key N, only key M (I am assuming they are diiferent). But yes, i did try to use the given key on the nuts, but there is no way that will work. The nuts are round, and the key is hexagonal. Also the key is quite a bit smaller than the round nuts, it can barely cover the top part.
For the rest the monopod is really easy to use and seems like a great product. The reason why i'm being so thorough is that this monopod is actually for a family member who lives abroad, and thus if something suddenly seems not to be working, returning it would be a real hassle.
Regarding the "missing" spring, my Manfrotto monopod lacks that final spring too. I guess they didn't need the spring to separate the smallest clamp.

Are you really sure the rounded heads wont budge? I think they look like protective caps hiding the nut. I guess you've already tried to pry them off with a small screwdriver? As I recall there were no caps on mine, just hexagon nuts with plastic inserts (nyloc type).
Well, turns out that they were protective caps :mrgreen:
I had tried using a screwdriver, but without success. Your post inspired me to try something else. I fed a piece of string under the protective cap, twisted it, and pulled. After a fairly firm tug, it came loose, with a nice hexagonal nut underneath. The caps come off easier now, so i think they were just lodged on a bit too tightly.

In any case, problem solved. Thanks for all the help!

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