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looking at the sun C+C welcome


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Oct 16, 2011
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I took this photo at Nakajin Castle in Northern Okinawa, at the Cherry Blossom Festival. There weren’t many blooming flowers but the view is always nice and the weather is kinda cold. Got in pretty close here with my 50mm just as the sun was setting. Did my post in LR and PS and used a plugin to add a “Kodak Tri-X 400TX Pro” film effect on it…. I never shot with film and doubt i ever will but my Photog class I’m in kinda gave me little inspiration to shoot black and white.If any one has used this film i wouldn’t mind a reply on how close or accurate it is to the real thing.

I like to see her face brightened up just a little I think. As for how reaslistic it is, well, I never used a lot of Kodak products, but if you had told me that was actually shot on Tri-X, I would have believed it.

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