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llama llama llama

god thats older than some of Antys jokes
First time I've seen it. Loved it. Don't piss on my llamabonfire. :(
My post is better.
Grey isn't always the new black.
I can't believe I clicked on that link and hit play. Needless to say, now I have that freaking melody going through my head.
god thats older than some of Antys jokes

Sheesh, I step away for a few hours to spread peace and joy throughout the land (translation: my visa card), and I return to comments like this???!!!!

I hadn't seen that clip before either. I think I'm gonna make singing it correctly the sobriety test at the next Christmas party
It made me giggle uncontrollably for seconds on end - then I went to bed and forgot all about it. Think I finally found that insomnia cure I was looking for, better than counting sheep I reckon
I first saw this 4 years ago................ I used to know the lyrics. Let me try before I click the link (I haven't seen it in like a year and still haven't clicke dth elink yet)

here's a llama
there's a llama
and another little llama
funny llama
fuzzy llama

did you ever see a llama
something llama
something llama
something something taste of llama


I was once a treehouse
I lived in a cake
but I never saw the way
the orange slayed the rake
I was only 3 years dead
but it told a tale
and now listed little child
to the safety rail

here's a llama
there's a llama
half a llama
not a llama
farmer llama
llama in a car
a llama


is it all so old now
doornob, ankle, cold

now my song is getting thin
and I've run out of luck
and become a duck

(I swear this is all off of memory from seeing it over a year ago)

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