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Little flower I found in the woods today


TPF Noob!
May 18, 2012
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Old Town, ME
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Found this little guy walking out of the woods....thought I'd share.

I'm not liking the cropped version as much in quality... :-(

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This guy screamed at me to take his picture too....so I complied. He said "I'm not a flower but I'm pretty" *shrugs*

lol I'm impresses with natures conversation with you!

On #2-- my eyes are drawn more to the long leaf that stretches out across the photo. Maybe a different crop?
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Nature talks to me all the time...or is is one of the many mee's in my head. *shrugs*

Good call on the leaf in shot two. I thought the flower might draw attention due to it being the only thing white, but as I glance now after not staring at it all day, I see myself drawn to the leaf too...oh, and there's a flower over there.

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