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Lions don't cli.........


hmm I recognise this place! And some of you!
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May 1, 2008
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Oh heck they do!


For context the tree is in a bit of a dip and the platform I was on was a good story high if not more. So eye level with the cat!



Cheetah are more lazy, in fact this one spent almost the whole day in this very spot (even during treat time).

As always, any comments and critiques are more than welcome
Nice set, love the lion in the tree!
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Thanks all :)

Dude, when your toenails are that big, you climb whatever the f*** you want!

Except the magical unclimbable tree which is ringed with smooth reflective shiny metal! [cause if you could climb that tree you could escape and eat the chewy people!)
Yup, they sure do climb trees. When I was in Tanzania, I watched a young cub whip up a tree in about 30 seconds and then watched as it took about 10-15 minutes to figure out how to get down. It was actually quite hilarious.

Nice set of images - the lion in the tree is my favourite in this group.

Nice set, love the framing on the chubby lioness in the tree :biggrin-93:
Very nice set. The one in the tree really does look like he's trying to figure out how to get to the chewy person... you!
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Many thanks all!

Yup, they sure do climb trees. When I was in Tanzania, I watched a young cub whip up a tree in about 30 seconds and then watched as it took about 10-15 minutes to figure out how to get down. It was actually quite hilarious.

Yep this gal also had the same problem. Even though she's likely climbed the same tree many times it took a few tries before she worked out that not only couldn't she jump to get us (looong way away) but she didn't quite know the way down. Found it in the end though!

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