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Leaning tree..... at sunset.


Damn You!
Jan 21, 2006
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Caught these on the open moorland at sunset.....



Wasn't long till the sun was lowering to the horizon.....


Thanks for checkin this out :D
Wonderful work. You always have great sunset shots, I always enjoy looking at them.
Excellent shots Angel. The second is my fave of the lot.:thumbup: :thumbup:
These are wonderful. Amazing. Beautiful!
Sunsets, I think, will never become boring, even less when they are "spiced up" with a tree such as this one. And you made a deal with Mr Wood Sac about the clouds? ;) Cool - he sent you some nice ones.
I also like the last one very much! And of the two tree pics the second.
All three are beautiful shots. What a lovely sight it must have been to see in person.
These are beautiful!! The second one really stands out for me, love the colours, the comp and the silhouette on it :thumbsup:
Raymond J Barlow said:
awesome! these are in England?

Yep, these are in England.... we do occasionally have nice skies, but not often!

Thanks guys, number 2 is my fav too :D
awesome skies & silhouette... love the first two... :thumbup:

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