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Las Vegas Protest ends in tear gas and rubber bullets (Lots of pics)

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nice photos. Brave man
As someone with a former background in journalism, I commend you for getting names and ages.

Thank you. It's been a while since I flexed my journalist muscles. I’m just glad they reacted positively to me being there.
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The set is outstanding in its coverage and scope of the situation. Excellent composition skills along with selective DOF truly makes these photos pop. You were close, which is the way it usually has to be to get the story. Plus, the text accompanying the photos is informative and educational. Excellent work by a talented photojournalist.
Very nice images here as well as having a bio to go with the photos.
I found image #9 and image #12 especially poignant visually and what you described Wolfhart as saying in your caption of image #15.
Excellent photojournalism here. You really captured my attention, which says a a lot considering how much media coverage of these events I've been seeing.. admittedly it's to the point that I've become a little but numb/apathetic towards the entire thing because it's all anyone talks about lately (I think this happens to most people and with a variety of issues) but somehow you managed to get me to stop and look intently at your images. Far better than any imagery I've seen on national media!

Great work!
Wow! Very moving images. You really captured what it is like to be on the ground and right there in the middle of the action. Super impressed by all of these. As was said previously by someone else, I can’t even begin to pick a favorite. Kudos!
One more time for the cheap seats.

Any posts with political comments will be deleted or heavily edited.
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Awesome photos =]

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