Laptop Or Desktop


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Mar 29, 2016
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My current laptop is srill working great, but I've recently started thinking about an upgrade. I've stayed with a laptop for several years because of travel convience but now that I spend less time away, I'm wondering if it might be time for a desktop. I run proprietary business and accounting software, and Adobe LR/PS.

The only real advantage of the desktop for me would be the larger monitor, and possibly gaining some desk room. I have a limited amount of space. Ideally I'd use both for but then I have the synch issues. Anyone using multiple computers? How do you handle synchronization and is it worth the effort. I'm not bother by the screen size of the laptop, I've had dual monitors in the past, and found them difficult to use, might be a little ADD.

I use a work laptop (linux), personal laptop (Windows) and personal desktop (Windows).

For synchronising I have a lifetime pCloud storage drive on 'the cloud' and use their client on each PC to synchronise a preset series of directories (Pictures, Exports (for LR), Documents, some data directories for work etc....

This means that whatever machine I pick up and switch on it will sync straight away and give me the same files, in the same state, as my other machines - any deletion, addition, edit will be near instantly relfected.

I used to do this with my LR catalog as well and although I had no issues I then discovered this was not recommended due to corruption possibilities so stopped it. Lightroom Sync is not essential for me - I have my LR exports all sync'd up anyway - If that was essential I would probably drop the catalog on an external drive I could move between machines i was working on.

Use a Synology drive for backup no.1 and pCloud for backup No.2.
@wobe sorry I should have mentioned I live in the forgotten country where my internet is just now almost equal to the same speed I had in town 20 yrs ago. Cloud storage for large files is just a dream for me. I use an 8tb external drive for secondary storage and a 10tb external for backup
I haven’t found anything a desktop can do that a laptop can’t. When equipped equally that is. Without strong internet you can still sync with making the desktop a file server and sync over your home network.
I haven’t found anything a desktop can do that a laptop can’t. When equipped equally that is. Without strong internet you can still sync with making the desktop a file server and sync over your home network.
Yeah, also thought about a NAS 4 Bay RAID. I've used an external monitor before with my laptop, which wasn't convient because of desk space. With a wall mounted arm, it might work
I have both a laptop and a desktop, both reasonably new and powerful. I spend most of my computing time on the desktop. I have dual monitors, a 32" curved main display and a 20" standard for calendar, email, etc. Also, the smaller display holds all the extraneous Photoshop windows so I have a large image display. I can get my with the laptop, but it is nowhere near as convenient, and I always miss the extra screen.

I have also found that I can't type worth a plugged nickel on the laptop. I use MS One Drive to sync files, but that would be problematic with slow internet.
I find I use my computer (a newish laptop) so much less these days. I do a lot on my large-screen smartphone, even basic photo editing for images which are going to be used only on WhatsApp or whatever.
Been a desktop user for decades. Laptop when I travel but that's pretty rare these days.
What do you do when traveling? Pack it in a "large" suitcase?

No, I use lots of memory cards and do all my editing back home..
I've only ever used desktop computers, because laptops are more expensive. If I can swing it next time I'd like a laptop plus a large monitor and wireless keyboard and mouse for the desk. That way I can use the laptop in other locations. Cost has always been a factor from my dream.
Plug a larger monitor into your laptop when at home. You still use the laptop as the computer, keyboard, etc. but have a large display

I tried that with an extra monitor I had, but space limitations force me to use a smallish desk, and there just wasn't enough desktop for everything. I've been looking at some swing wall mounts as an option.

@mjcmt I still have business interests that require a computer if I'm gone for any length of time, so the more I consider the more likely I'll either have to stay with a laptop or go with both and deal with synchronization.
I had a thought, I have enough room behind my desk to squeeze in a floor stand to hold the lap top and an external monitor. If I go with a thunderbolt hub I can piggyback all the accessories and only require one actual connection to the laptop. When I'm ready to travel I disconnect the hub , power and go. What am I missing?

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