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Kilauea Lighthouse

Jul 14, 2011
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Imagine standing in complete darkness-- all you can see is the light of the lighthouse in the distance. It's so dark you can't even see your own feet. You hear movement in the bushes right in front of you. To the side of you. What sounds like wolves howling in the distance. Here's a link to some audio I took while standing there so you can get an idea:


You shine a flashlight down and realize all of the creepy sounds are coming from a harmless little bird that's resting 5 feet in front of you. This area is refuge to thousands of nesting sea birds, who are extremely LOUD at night!

Another interesting thing with this shot. I decided to bring out the 50 1.4 to give it a go in the dark for it's low light capabilities. This picture was taken in almost COMPLETE darkness! Exposure settings were f 1.4 / iso800 / 30".

Kilauea Nights by Majeed Badizadegan (Rotanimod), on Flickr
Wow. Just wow. It's an awesome scene and you captured it beautifully!
Wonderful work. If I were to say anything, it's that I wish it looked more like night.
Without the explanation, I might have thought it was a day shot and then wondered what the white line behind the lighthouse was.
Eventually I would have figured it out. (I hope) ;)

I love the shot so I feel a bit silly even commenting on such a nit and I honestly don't know what I would do about it anyway.
I guess I'm just curious if the thought crossed your mind as you were processing.
Wonderful work. If I were to say anything, it's that I wish it looked more like night.
Without the explanation, I might have thought it was a day shot and then wondered what the white line behind the lighthouse was.
Eventually I would have figured it out. (I hope) ;)

I love the shot so I feel a bit silly even commenting on such a nit and I honestly don't know what I would do about it anyway.
I guess I'm just curious if the thought crossed your mind as you were processing.

Next time I'm in Kauai, I'll get this shot on a (hopefully) clear night. Imagine this with bright stars speckling the sky.
I think we are going to run out of words to describe your beautiful work!!!
ok, dumb question....at 30 seconds, wouldn't the light circulate all the way and blow out the whole photo?
I agree with the sleist in the light situation. But it sure makes for great smooth waves crashing against the shore, which makes the shot, in my opinion.
Wow. That's just a really neat shot. Only in those conditions could you have captured that. Well done!
Wow, 1.4. That is really sharp. Nice job R!
AMAZED at the detail on can get in darkness sometimes. Great shot.
Dude.. have I told you how I hate you ;)! Really! There is just no competing with you.. you just keep upping your game!

Beautiful shot!
Out of curiosity since I have been doing a lot of night shots, could you post, or PM, the pre edited version? I did star trails the other night and really had to push the limits of the image to get the sky to show up. This was using ISO 400, 30 seconds F4.8. Your image is super clean compared to what I am coming up with.
Out of curiosity since I have been doing a lot of night shots, could you post, or PM, the pre edited version? I did star trails the other night and really had to push the limits of the image to get the sky to show up. This was using ISO 400, 30 seconds F22. Your image is super clean compared to what I am coming up with.

Why are you shooting at F22 at night? Open up that aperture!
Out of curiosity since I have been doing a lot of night shots, could you post, or PM, the pre edited version? I did star trails the other night and really had to push the limits of the image to get the sky to show up. This was using ISO 400, 30 seconds F22. Your image is super clean compared to what I am coming up with.

Why are you shooting at F22 at night? Open up that aperture!

I just updated that, it was 4.8, not 22 :facepalm:

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