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Juxtaposition I

Every single object in the photo contrasts with the statue. Modern versus old. Seems obvious.

  1. the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect.
    "the juxtaposition of these two images"
Every single object in the photo contrasts with the statue. Modern versus old.
For me, this is much more than "modern versus old", and I would characterize it as Sacred vs. profane.

For me, there is simply way too much of the profane relative to the sacred. And also (yes, I'm all by myself here) the sacred should be well apart from the profane and well above it, in the case of the Mary statue. I've seen similar shots with churches being dwarfed by skyscrapers, and if the proportions are good, they can be wonderful shots.
Every single object in the photo contrasts with the statue. Modern versus old. Seems obvious.

  1. the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect.
    "the juxtaposition of these two images"
Thanks; I understand the definition of the word, and I understand your concept now, but I don't really see this as a juxtaposition. Aside from the statue, which we can assume is old, the only two clearly definable elements in the image are the corner of a [probably] compartively new building image left, and a lamp standard. Were the modern elements more clearly visible, and were there a bit more of the old structure below the statue (One can assume that it is of the same vintage as the statue), I think this would have worked better, or at least been more obvious. I tend to agree with Designer's comments.
I think you all are being way to precise in your 'comparisons'. As I said everything in the picture is modern except the church spire and statue. Even the microwave dish, the lamp post, the vent stack the credit union sign. Sometimes you can try to read in to much depth and miss entirely plot. No, you wouldn't personally use that definition as I did, nor take the picture the way I did, but then you weren't there...were you? I got exactly the picture I aimed for. And lastly you ALL missed the bit where the picture is both Abstract, and literal. HAH! ;)

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