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Just purchased a Yashica Mat 124g TLR Question


TPF Noob!
May 7, 2013
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I purchased a Yashica Mat 124g with what appears to be a shutter release button replacement. All the Yashica's I've seen have a threaded button to attach a shutter release cable. The one I purchased appears to lack the threaded button and swivel locking switch. I'm wondering if this is a common replacement? I haven't taken delivery of the camera but hoping this won't be an issue. Looking forward to your comments.
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Think the biggest problem with these old gems is shutter timing issues. Check for that.
I don't have a 124g, I have an A. I could be wrong but I believe I needed a "Leica nipple" or something like that to attach a release cable to mine.

Edit: Try looking up "Leica cable adapter".
That's exactly what it looks like. A solid button with a threaded collar.
I'll have to wait until the camera arrives to capture a good image.
The camera also has an issue with the film advance crank. I was told the shutter fires while in the process of winding. Anyone have any ideas?
Think the biggest problem with these old gems is shutter timing issues. Check for that.
Just listed the issue regarding shutter firing while in the process of winding. These old cameras are fascinating, and frustrating at the same time. Bought it cheap, so it'll give me something to do.
Just listed the issue regarding shutter firing while in the process of winding. These old cameras are fascinating, and frustrating at the same time. Bought it cheap, so it'll give me something to do.
I'd ask for a refund. No the shutter doesn't fire when winding. Get your $$$ back.
I'd ask for a refund. No the shutter doesn't fire when winding. Get your $$$ back.
Bought As Is, guess it'll make a nice display piece. I have so many cameras, one more won't make much of a difference. I appreciate your response.
Problem in 2025: if you want functional medium format cameras, buy the newest you can afford. So many oldies sold now suffer from multiple age-related issues. So few competent techs capable of fixing 'em. If you really want a 645/6x6/6x7 camera, I'd shop first for a repair person, preferably nearby skilled in fixing Mamiya, Bronica, Pentax cameras. Without them, anything you buy is disposable--sadly.
The camera also has an issue with the film advance crank. I was told the shutter fires while in the process of winding. Anyone have any ideas?
There is an issue with the charging arm that it may not be completing its full motion ... or there is a problem within the shutter.

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