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Just got my HVL-F42AM in the mail. Any tips?


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Mar 24, 2011
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This is the first flash I have purchased. I played around with it a bit but just wanted to start up a discussion about tips and tricks people might have for using it.

Do not examine the Fresnel lens pattern and how it appears to change when you zoom the flash head and then accidentally discharge the flash at full power into your eyes by pressing that tiny Open Flash button on the back of the flash...I've done that...it's not fun...so my #1 tip is to AVOID doing that!!!

Flash tip #2: When doing bounce flash shots in high-ceilinged rooms, or at longer distances, always elevate the camera's ISO level upward, to around 400,500,640, or even ISO 800.

Flash tip #3: Actually spend a few minutes and read the fine manual that came with the flash; it might have a couple of pieces of advice and or technical tips that will be of actual use to you!

Flash tip #4: Experiment with bounce flash aimed in various directions. Occasionally, a really BEAUTIFUL lighting pattern can be created by bouncing the flash off of a surface in what "some people" might consider an unorthodox manner.
Do not examine the Fresnel lens pattern and how it appears to change when you zoom the flash head and then accidentally discharge the flash at full power in to your eyes by pressing that tiny OPen FLash button on the back of the flash...I've done that...it's not fun...so my #1 tip is to AVOID doing that!!!

Flash tip #2: When doing bounce flash shots in high-ceilinged rooms, or at longer distances, always elevate the camera's ISO level upward, to around 400,500,640, or even ISO 800.

Flash tip #3: actually take a few minutes and read the fine manual that came with the flash; it might have a couple of pieces of advice and or technical tips that will be of actual use to you!

Flash tip #4: experiment with bounce flash aimed in various directions. Occasionally, a really BEAUTIFUL lighting pattrn can be created by bouncing the flash off of a surface in what "some people" might consider an unorthodox manner.


All the top secret info is right there!~
Do not examine the Fresnel lens pattern and how it appears to change when you zoom the flash head and then accidentally discharge the flash at full power into your eyes by pressing that tiny Open Flash button on the back of the flash...I've done that...it's not fun...so my #1 tip is to AVOID doing that!!!

Flash tip #2: When doing bounce flash shots in high-ceilinged rooms, or at longer distances, always elevate the camera's ISO level upward, to around 400,500,640, or even ISO 800.

Flash tip #3: Actually spend a few minutes and read the fine manual that came with the flash; it might have a couple of pieces of advice and or technical tips that will be of actual use to you!

Flash tip #4: Experiment with bounce flash aimed in various directions. Occasionally, a really BEAUTIFUL lighting pattern can be created by bouncing the flash off of a surface in what "some people" might consider an unorthodox manner.

I do not plan to test with flash facing towards me. It is very bright. And to think my wife complained about how bright my pop up flash was. I have been reading the manual. I did play around bouncing flash in the house. I was bouncing it off the ceiling and the wall behind me with flash turned all the way around. Some of these came out good. Did notice some difference when I would change the orientation from portrait to landscape. I need more practice bouncing in portrait mode. But so far it seems like it will work out nice. Ill have to post some samples pics tonight.
I see I am about a month late but here goes.

#1 If your going to use the HVL-42 with remote trigger you will need to put the flash on the camera first and fire a test shot with the flash first. Without turning the flash off, mount it on the radio trigger. When using this flash for OCF you'll want to turn the sleep mode off. In you don't you'll have to "prime" the falsh everytime it goes to sleep.

#2 I'm not sure if the a200 has the wireless TTL flash feature. If it does, one of the things that you'll find is that the pop-up flash contributes to the exposure. In order to stop the pop-up flash from contributing to the exposure go into manual mode and set your shutter speed above your sync speed make sure the flash has HSS enabled.(1/160 or 1/250).

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