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Just come from swimming


TPF Noob!
Dec 12, 2007
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This is one of my favorite images. He had just exited a lake.

This was the first time i had taken pictures of a wild Bear, i would love some pointers.
Don't get eaten!

Nice photo
Wow, a Grizzly (presumably) at 190mm. I wish it were a little brighter. Great Capture.
So... does a bear "go" in the woods...


Having never shot a bear myself. Great, fantastic job! I'm not getting closer than your image on my pc from a bear. Kudos!
Awesome shot! I love the water dripping off it!
Wow! How close were you to this guy?? This is an awesome shot! I love the water droplets as well. I agree it could be a bit brighter and maybe a bit sharper too. I'm guessing you were using your 70-300 and I know I have trouble getting perfectly sharp images with that lens.
Wow! How close were you to this guy?? This is an awesome shot! I love the water droplets as well. I agree it could be a bit brighter and maybe a bit sharper too. I'm guessing you were using your 70-300 and I know I have trouble getting perfectly sharp images with that lens.

Yes i was at 300 mm using a log for a tripod, it was frustrating. It was also a very overcast day, nearly raining. I should have turned my ISO up some, which might have brightened up the image but up-ed the noise as well.... its a push pull deal.
I think i was..... 30 or 40 meters...
I think it can easily be adjusted. I had a quick go at it.

Hmm, I can only see TCimages edit ... not the original.

anyway, seems like a nice shot, maybe a bikt dark in his face.

I never got that close to a bear .

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